Membership Benefits
Following are the benefits of Joining NITC ACM Students Chapter.
- Complimentary Subscription to Communications – Chapter Members are eligible for a three-month complimentary electronic subscription to ACM’s flagship publication Communications of the ACM.
- email forwarding address
- Receipt of ACM’s Popular E-Newsletters – TechNews, the latest news in computing, 3x weekly; CareerNews, the latest career and industry news, bi-monthly; and MemberNet, all about ACM people and events monthly.
- A full-year electronic subscription to Crossroads, ACM’s Student Magazine
- ACM Student Quick Takes (SQT) a quarterly email newsletter with each issue highlighting ACM activities, programs, and offerings of interest.
Joining NITC ACM Students Chapter
You can join NIT Calicut ACM Student Chapter by filling up this form. A nominal membership fee of INR 50 should be given to the ACM representative in your batch.
Joining ACM
To be a student member of the ACM, by registering here
I am Arpit doing my btech in cse (2nd year).
I would love to be a junior executive in this student’s chapter, but I missed the formal induction. So is there any way I could be a part of it.
If suppose I get selected, what will my duties/ responsiblities be and what would i gain by being a part of it.
Looking forward to hear from you
contact no 09846447634