Role of Parallel Programming in the Near Future

A talk on Role of Parallel Programming in the Near Future will be delivered by Dr. V Krishna Nandivada, Asst. Professor, IIT Madras, on December 18, 2012 at CSED Seminar Hall, as part of NIT Calicut ACM Student Chapter’s talk series. All are invited to attend the same.

Parallel Computing - Poster Talk

Parallel Computing – Poster Talk

Update (December 18, 2012)

A Talk on the topic “Role of Parallel Computing in Near Future” was given by Dr. V Krishna Nandivada, IIT Madras, on 18-Dec-2012 at CSED. The talk was jointly organized by NIT Calicut ACM Student Chapter and Computer Science and Engineeirng Association as part of the Alan Turing Centenary Talk Series. V. Krishna Nandivada is currently an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Madras. Before joining IIT Madras, he spent nearly 5.5 years at IBM India Research Lab (Programming Technologies and Software Engineering group).

Prior to joining IBM Research, he has been associated with Hewlett Packard and Sun Labs for different periods of times. He holds a B.E. degree from Regional Engineering Colleges (now known as National Institute of Technology) Rourkela, M.E. degree from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and a PhD from University of California, Los Angeles. His research interests are Compilers, Program Analysis, Programming Languages, Fault Localization, and Multicore systems. Dr. Krishna also interacted with the UG, PG and research scholars and the faculties of the department, where he summarized MS, MTech and PhD opportunities in India and abroad, with specific reference to that at IIT Madras. He answered queries and doubts raised by the students in this regard.

Role of Parallel Programming

Role of Parallel Programming

Dr. S D Madhu Kumar, Head, CSED, NIT Calicut invites Dr. Krishna Nandivada for the talk on Role of Parallel Programming

Dr. S D Madhu Kumar, Head, CSED, NIT Calicut invites Dr. Krishna Nandivada for the talk on Role of Parallel Programming

Dr. Krishna Nandivada during talk on Role of Parallel Programming

Dr. Krishna Nandivada during talk on Role of Parallel Programming

Audience at talk on Role of Parallel Programming

Audience at talk on Role of Parallel Programming

Dr. Krishna Nandivada receiving memento from Dr. Vineeth Paleri, Faculty Sponsor, NIT Calicut ACM Student Chapter, after the talk on Role of Parallel Programming

Dr. Krishna Nandivada receiving memento from Dr. Vineeth Paleri, Faculty Sponsor, NIT Calicut ACM Student Chapter, after the talk on Role of Parallel Programming

The welcome address was given by Dr. S D Madhukumar, Assoc. Prof. and Head, CSED, and Vote of Thanks was given and memento was presented by Dr. Vineeth Kumar Paleri, Professor and Faculty Sponsor of NITC ACM Students Chapter. The talk was attended by faculties and students across all departments.